Grand Blue
Grand Blue is a comedic manga series written by Kenji Inoue and illustrated by Kimitake Yoshioka. The story revolves around Iori Kitahara, a college freshman who moves to a coastal town to attend university. He expects a peaceful and fun college experience, but his life takes an unexpected turn when he joins the diving club. In this club, Iori encounters a group of eccentric and outrageous individuals who drag him into wild adventures filled with alcohol, partying, and ridiculous antics.
Grand Blue is known for its hilarious humor, often showcasing the characters' exaggerated reactions and absurd situations. The manga also explores themes of friendship and self-discovery as Iori navigates his college life, forming bonds with his fellow club members and experiencing both the joys and challenges of adulthood. With its lively artwork and uproarious comedy, Grand Blue offers an entertaining and light-hearted reading experience for fans of slice-of-life and comedy genres.
- Author: Inoue Kenji
- Genres: Comedy, Slice of life
- Volume: 20
- Status: Ongoing
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