Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist is a highly acclaimed manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa. Set in an alternate universe during the early 20th century, the story revolves around two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric, who practice alchemy in their quest to restore their bodies after a failed human transmutation experiment.
With a perfect blend of adventure, action, and mystery, "Fullmetal Alchemist" delves into complex themes such as the human condition, the consequences of tampering with nature, and the value of sacrifice. The manga explores intricate character development as the Elric brothers encounter various allies and adversaries in their unyielding pursuit of the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful artifact that may hold the key to their salvation.
With its engaging plot, well-crafted world-building, and deep philosophical undertones, Fullmetal Alchemist continues to captivate readers worldwide, making it a must-read for manga enthusiasts and newcomers alike.
- Author: Hiromu Arakawa
- Genres: Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Steampunk
- Status: Finished
- Volume: 27
- Read here: https://full-metal-alchemist.online/