Dr. Stone
Dr. Stone is a captivating and unique manga series created by Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi. It takes place in a world where humanity was suddenly petrified by a mysterious light, turning them all into stone statues. Senku Ishigami, the protagonist, awakens thousands of years later and resolves to rebuild civilization using science.
The story revolves around Senku's brilliant mind and his quest to revive humanity from its stone prison. He is joined by Taiju Oki, his loyal and strong-willed friend, and together they start the arduous task of understanding the phenomenon that petrified humanity while restoring technology and knowledge from scratch.
Dr. Stone is a refreshing blend of science, adventure, and survival. It explores the power of human intellect and the importance of scientific progress in rebuilding society. With its beautifully detailed illustrations and thrilling storyline, this manga is a must-read for fans of science fiction and post-apocalyptic narratives.
- Author: Riichiro Inagaki
- Genres: Adventure, Post-apocalyptic, Science fiction
- Status: Finished
- Volume: 26
- Read here: https://stone-dr.com/