Derawan Island Beaches
Derawan Beach is located in East Kalimantan, which has a true tropical environment with abundant biological diversity. Derawan Island is well-known for its underwater beauty. The maximum depth at which tourists can view the beach without using any equipment is roughly 20 meters.
Tourists arriving at the island are in such few numbers that they quickly become part of the island's welcoming community. Diving and snorkeling are the most popular activities here. Furthermore, the island's beautiful beaches, which are protected by UNESCO, serve as "maternity wards" for turtles that lay eggs there.
A unique environment exists at Derawan, where algae meadows, coral reefs, and mangrove forests thrive. Many undersea species are protected, including dolphins, sharks, and whales, as well as smaller organisms like clams, crabs, and seahorses. Divers travel to the cluster's other islands to communicate with a big family of jellyfish that range in size from small to enormous and do not sting.
A clear sunny afternoon is the perfect time to go to the beach. The pier, which is located far out to sea, provides good visibility. Vacationers stroll out on the beautiful white beach, sunbathe, or rest in the shade of palm trees after watching the green turtles.
Location: East Kalimantan, Indonesia