Dharma Jewel Monastery

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Phương Thảo

Dharma Jewel Monastery is a unique meditation center in Atlanta. It welcomes people from all cultures and faiths, or even those without any particular faith, to learn Zen meditation and Buddha's teachings. The monastery is known for its inclusive approach. Since it offers classes, meditation retreats, and other programs at no charge as a service to the community.

Every Sunday from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, the monastery offers a one-hour guided meditation session. This session is ideal for individuals seeking a structured meditation experience in a serene environment.

The monastery also recognizes the importance of introducing meditation to younger generations. It conducts the "Little Jewel Children’s Meditation Class" every Sunday from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. It provides an opportunity for children to learn meditation in a supportive and age-appropriate setting.

For those looking for more in-depth meditation training, Dharma Jewel Monastery offers an English Level 1 Meditation Class on Thursdays from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Each class is two hours long. The schedule consists of guided meditation practice during the first hour, followed by a lecture on Buddhist principles in the second hour. This structured approach allows participants to gain a deeper understanding of its philosophical aspects.

An interesting and unique offering of the Dharma Jewel Monastery is its vegetarian cooking class. This class aligns with the Buddhist principle of kindness to all living beings. It encourages adopting a vegetarian lifestyle. Thus, it promotes compassion and mindfulness in daily life, beyond the meditation cushion.

With a high rating of 4.9 based on 39 reviews, Dharma Jewel Monastery has established itself as a prominent and well-regarded meditation center in the Atlanta area. It offers a range of meditation and spiritual learning opportunities for individuals of all ages.

Key Takeaways:

  • Official Website: https://dharmajewel.us/
  • Contact:
    • Email: dharmajewel@ctzen.org
    • Phone: +1 (770) 939-5008
  • Location:2550 Henderson Mill Rd, Chamblee, GA, 30345, United States.
Screenshot of https://dharmajewel.us/
Screenshot of https://dharmajewel.us/
Video by DharmaRealmLive

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