Dice is a popular South Korean webtoon series created by Hyunseok Yun. The story revolves around Dongtae, a high school student who is bullied and struggles with low self-esteem. One day, he discovers a mysterious app on his phone called "Dice" that allows him to change his life by rolling a virtual dice. Each number on the dice corresponds to a different power or ability that he can use to improve his life.
As Dongtae becomes more powerful, he must navigate the dangerous world of the Dice app and the people who use it for their own selfish purposes. He also discovers that there are other users of the app, some of whom are his friends and classmates.
Dice is known for its unique blend of action, drama, and psychological themes, as well as its stunning art style and well-developed characters. It has been praised for its exploration of topics such as bullying, self-esteem, and the consequences of power.
Dice has since become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring multiple adaptations such as a mobile game and a live-action drama. It has also been translated into multiple languages and has a dedicated fan base all over the world.
Genre: Fantasy
Author: Hyunseok Yun
Illustrator: Hyunseok Yun