Noblesse is a popular webtoon series created by Son Jeho and illustrated by Lee Kwangsu. It was first published on Naver Webtoon in 2007 and quickly gained a massive following. The story revolves around Cadis Etrama di Raizel, an ancient noble who has been asleep for centuries and wakes up in modern-day South Korea. He soon becomes friends with a high school student named Rai and becomes involved in a world of supernatural beings and secret organizations.
The series is known for its unique blend of action, comedy, and drama, as well as its well-developed characters and intricate plot. It has been praised for its stunning art style and fast-paced action scenes, as well as its exploration of themes such as friendship, loyalty, and the nature of power.
Noblesse has since become a cultural phenomenon, inspiring multiple adaptations such as an anime series, an OVA, a mobile game, and a live-action drama. It has also been translated into multiple languages and has a dedicated fan base all over the world.
Genre: Dark fantasy
Author: Son Je-ho
Illustrator: Lee Kwangsu