The Breaker
"The Breaker" is a popular webtoon series created by Jeon Geuk-jin and illustrated by Park Jin-hwan. It was first serialized in 2007 and quickly gained a dedicated fan base. Set in a contemporary Korean setting, the story revolves around the life of a timid high school student named Shi-Woon Yi, who inadvertently becomes entangled in the world of martial arts.
The webtoon takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with action, suspense, and complex character dynamics. Shi-Woon's life takes a dramatic turn when he encounters Chun-Woo Han, a legendary martial arts master known as the Nine Arts Dragon. Under Chun-Woo's guidance, Shi-Woon begins training in martial arts, embarking on a quest to become stronger and protect those he cares about.
As the story progresses, the webtoon delves into the intricate politics of the martial arts world, with various factions vying for power and control. The Breaker masterfully blends martial arts action with deep character development, exploring themes of loyalty, betrayal, and personal growth.
"The Breaker" has become a beloved series among webtoon enthusiasts, captivating audiences with its intense storytelling and well-choreographed fight sequences. It has spawned a sequel titled "The Breaker: New Waves," further expanding the rich universe and continuing to engage fans.
Genre: Martial arts, drama
Author: Jeon Geuk-jin
Illustrator: Park Jin-hwan