"Trace" is a thrilling webtoon series created by manhwa artist, Go Yeong-hun. It was first serialized in 2007 and quickly gained popularity for its gripping storyline and unique blend of supernatural abilities and crime drama.
The story centers around a group of individuals known as "Tracers," who possess extraordinary powers known as "traces." These traces allow them to manipulate and control specific elements or abilities, ranging from fire and water manipulation to telekinesis and superhuman strength. The protagonist, Kang Shihyun, is a former police officer who becomes entangled in a dangerous web of crime and corruption involving Tracers.
As the narrative unfolds, Kang Shihyun, with the help of other Tracers, investigates a series of high-profile cases while uncovering a vast conspiracy that threatens the balance of power in their world. The webtoon seamlessly combines action, mystery, and intense fight scenes, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.
"Trace" stands out for its detailed and dynamic artwork, showcasing visually stunning action sequences and intricate character designs. The series also explores the moral dilemmas and personal struggles faced by the Tracers, adding depth and complexity to the storyline.
Genre: Science, fantasy
Author: Go Yeong-hun
Illustrator: n/a