Dragon Ball
Dragon Ball, a classic and awe-inspiring anime series, is regarded as one of the most influential and long-lasting works of art. We embark on this enthralling voyage with Goku, a passionate martial artist, as he strives to reach the pinnacle of strength, protecting our beautiful Earth from a slew of deadly foes. Along the way, he meets a slew of new friends and foes while solving the mysterious mysteries surrounding his extraterrestrial ancestry and the mythical Dragon Balls, which may grant any wish.
The Dragon Ball anime adaptation is a true and captivating recreation of the original manga, perfectly capturing the essence of the story's humor, action, and raw passion. This short is an undeniable tribute to the series' excellence, boasting superb animation and engaging voice talents. It is a must-see for both passionate fans and newcomers looking to immerse themselves in the ageless narrative.
Dragon Ball is a masterpiece of the genre and one of the best animes on Crunchyroll. It has a timeless appeal that transcends generations and nations. Dragon Ball is more than just an anime, it is a cultural phenomenon.
Directed by:
- Daisuke Nishio (Dragon Ball),
- Minoru Okazaki (Dragon Ball Z),
- Masako Nozawa (Dragon Ball GT and Dragon Ball Super)
- Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996),
- Dragon Ball Z Kai (2009-2015),
- Dragon Ball Super (2015-2018)
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Martial Arts, Fantasy
Link to watch: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/GQWH0M1GG/dragon-ball-movies