The Devil is a Part-Timer!
This anime film is based on Satoshi Wagahara's light book series and follows the exploits of Sadao Maou, the Demon Lord who escapes from a fantasy world to work part-time at a fast-food restaurant in modern-day Tokyo. He struggles to adjust to his new life with the help of his loyal general Alciel while being chased by the hero Emilia, who also ends up in Tokyo.
The film is a comedy that mocks the gap between dream and reality, as well as the everyday hardships of living on a small budget. The characters are well-developed, with distinct quirks and characteristics that make them likable and approachable. The animation is bright and colorful, and the voice acting is excellent. There are also some spectacular and well-choreographed action scenes in the film.
The Devil is a Part-Timer! is a film that will make you laugh out loud while also keeping you entertained.
Directed by: Naoto Hosoda
Released: 2013
Genre: Comedy, Demons, Fantasy, Romance
Link to watch: