Fire Force
Fire Force is an anime film based on Atsushi Kubo's manga series of the same name. It chronicles the exploits of Shinra Kusakabe, a teenage firefighter with the ability to ignite his feet at whim, and his companions in the Special Fire Force Company 8, as they battle the unexplained phenomena of spontaneous human combustion, which transforms humans into living inferno-like creatures known as Infernals.
The film is a thrilling and action-packed trip that highlights David Production, the studio behind JoJo's Bizarre Adventure,'s superb animation and sound design. The film covers the first four arcs of the manga, which include Shinra's origins, his reunion with his long-lost brother Sho, and the discovery of the true antagonist behind the Infernals: the Evangelist and his White-Clad cult.
Fire Force is an enjoyable and fascinating anime film that will appeal to fans of the shonen action and fantasy genres. It boasts an engrossing plot, likable characters, stunning images, and a catchy soundtrack.
Directed by: Yuki Yase
Released: 2019-present
Genre: Action, Supernatural, Shounen
Link to watch: