Dragon Ball
Gokuu Son, a young boy living in the wilderness, encounters Bulma, a girl on a quest to find the mystical "Dragon Balls," objects that can grant one's desires when all seven are gathered. Bulma's aspiration is to collect the Dragon Balls to wish for an ideal boyfriend. Gokuu possesses one of these balls, but he's reluctant to part with it. To resolve this impasse, Bulma proposes a deal: Gokuu can accompany her on her journey in exchange for lending the Dragon Ball's power. Together, they embark on a long and exhilarating adventure.
These two aren't the only ones on this quest. Along the way, they meet Muten-Roshi, an elderly martial arts master, and Kuririn, an aspiring disciple. Gokuu trains under Muten-Roshi to enhance his martial arts skills for the World Martial Arts Tournament. However, their journey isn't all lighthearted. The power to fulfill any wish using the Dragon Balls is tempting, and there are those who seek to exploit it for darker purposes. To counter the potential misuse of this legendary power, they dedicate themselves to becoming stronger fighters and, in the process, utilize their newfound strength to assist those in need.
The heart of "Dragon Ball" lies in its characters. Gokuu, the pure-hearted and innocent hero, is a symbol of unyielding determination and unwavering loyalty. His evolution from a naive boy to a formidable martial artist is a testament to the power of perseverance and the pursuit of self-improvement. The introduction of Kuririn and Muten-Roshi, along with an ensemble of charismatic characters, infuses the narrative with diverse personalities and interesting back stories.
Furthermore, as the characters train under the guidance of Muten-Roshi, viewers are treated to exhilarating battle sequences, each an artistic showcase of skill, strategy, and sheer willpower. Amidst the high-stakes tournaments and epic clashes, "Dragon Ball" imparts invaluable lessons about growth, discipline, and the strength found in camaraderie and teamwork.
Release: 1986
MyAnimeList: 7.96/10