Ginga Tetsudou 999

"Ginga Tetsudou 999" revolves around a future where immortality is a commodity that only the wealthy can afford through mechanical bodies. A destitute boy named Tetsurou Hoshino harbors a fervent wish. He aspires to obtain a pass for the Galaxy Express 999 - a cosmic train promising a free mechanical body at its ultimate destination. However, tragedy befalls Tetsurou when his mother falls victim to the malevolent Count Mecha, a machine-man hybrid. With his dreams shattered, Tetsurou faces a seemingly bleak future.

In an unexpected turn in "Ginga Tetsudou 999," Tetsurou is rescued from the brink of demise by Maetel, a mysterious woman with a striking resemblance to his late mother. She grants him a pass to the Galaxy Express, with one condition -he must journey alongside her. Thus commences Tetsurou's odyssey across the cosmos, navigating diverse planets and encountering thrilling escapades, all in pursuit of his deepest desires.

Release: 1978

MyAnimeList Score: 7.79/10

HD Retro Trailers

Top 10 Best Animes by Toei Animation

  1. top 1 One Piece
  2. top 2 Slam Dunk
  3. top 3 Mononoke
  4. top 4 Dragon Ball
  5. top 5 Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo
  6. top 6 Kuuchuu Buranko
  7. top 7 Id:Invaded
  8. top 8 Ginga Tetsudou 999
  9. top 9 Digimon Adventure
  10. top 10 Saint Seiya

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