Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo
Hajime Kindaichi is the titular character of Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo. Despite his seemingly disheveled appearance and laid-back demeanor, he is far from your average high school student; in fact, Hajime is the grandson of Japan's former top detective, inheriting a remarkable aptitude for sleuthing.
Assisted by his best friend Miyuki Nanase and the eccentric inspector Isamu Kenmochi, Hajime embarks on adventures to remote islands, ominous towns, treacherous seas, and other challenging places. His purpose in life is unraveling the truths concealed behind some of the most intricate, perplexing, and unsettling mysteries ever encountered by humanity, setting the stage for a series of peculiar events in Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo.
The series captivates its audience with its cleverly crafted cases, each presenting a unique challenge that demands Hajime's shrewd insight and meticulous observation. From remote islands to ominous towns, it unfolds in diverse settings that introduce an array of compelling characters with dark, mysterious secrets."Kindaichi Shounen" also successfully balances the elements of suspense, deduction, and unexpected plot twists to challenge us to join the protagonist in piecing together clues; as a result, the audiences manage to unravel the truth from an array of deceptive layers to arrive at solutions that are as shocking as they are satisfying!
Release: 1997
MyAnimeList Score: 7.94/10