Fairies Album
"Fairy's Album," also known as "Bai Yao Pu" or "Hundred Demon Spectrum," is a captivating Chinese animated series, or donghua, adapted from Sha Luo Shuang Shu's webcomic. Set in a land where humans and spirits coexist, the series falls under the fantasy-adventure-comedy genre, delving into the intricate dynamics between these two worlds.
The storyline revolves around the enigmatic Zhen Yuan, a young girl gifted with the extraordinary ability to perceive and converse with spirits. Her journey unfolds in the company of Li Lanling, a young monk on a quest to find his vanished mentor, and Huang Zhenji, a demon doctor keenly intrigued by Zhen Yuan's unique power. Together, they embark on a series of adventures, encountering an array of spirits and demons, while offering their assistance in resolving their myriad predicaments.
"Fairy's Album" promises a whimsical blend of humor, fantasy, and adventure, as it explores the captivating relationships that bind humans and spirits in this enchanting realm.
- Release date: July 3, 2020
- Developed by: Haoliners Animation League
- Number of episodes: 36+
- Watch Here: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G1XHJV2DX/fairies-album