My Cultivator Girlfriend
My Cultivator Girlfriend is a Chinese animated series that was released in 2017. It is based on a webcomic of the same name by Dao Ruisi. It follows the story of Ma Yingxiong, a security guard who accidentally starts practicing cultivation after saving a girl cultivator named Xiaoliu from a group of thugs. Xiaoliu is a disciple of the Tian Jie Sect, one of the most powerful cultivation sects in the world. She decides to stay with Ma Yingxiong and teach him the basics of cultivation, while also hiding her identity from the outside world.
The series is a comedy romance genre with elements of action and fantasy. It depicts the hilarious and sweet interactions between Ma Yingxiong and Xiaoliu, as well as their encounters with various enemies and challenges in the cultivation world. The series also explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, and justice. The animation is done by G.CMay Animation & Film and the music is composed by Li Zong. The series has 15 episodes and was aired on Tencent Video, a popular online video platform in China. The series has received positive reviews from fans and critics, who praised its humor, animation, and characters. The series is available on YouTube with English subtitles.
- Release date: November 30, 2017
- Developed by: G.CMay Animation & Film
- Number of episodes: 15
- Watch here: