Memory of Chang-an
"Memory of Chang-an," also known as "Shi Yi Chang An: Mingyue Jishi You," unfolds a tale akin to "Psychic Princess" but in a historical setting, where political intricacies and a fixed marriage lie at its core. This engaging series revolves around a strategic union between a princess and the imperial prince, aimed at maintaining peace between their respective kingdoms. However, their wedlock becomes the catalyst for assassination plots and brewing controversy, threatening to engulf both nations in war.
Amidst these political intrigues, our female protagonist shines with her unique and independent spirit, refusing to be confined within the constraints of the royal palace. Her mischievous nature adds a layer of complexity to her character, often placing her in perilous situations. The dynamics between her and her hard tsundere husband further add to the drama and tension.
"Memory of Chang-an" promises a riveting narrative replete with political maneuvering, romance, and the indomitable spirit of its female lead, making it a must-watch for those seeking historical drama with a touch of mischief and intrigue.
- Release date: October 28, 2020
- Developed by: Sparkly Key Animation Studio
- Number of episodes: 25
- Watch here: