If you are searching for a single heavyweight dumbbell to save storage or save money, then the FLYBIRD Dumbbell is an excellent and dependable option. With a fast turn of the handle, you can vary the load of the dumbbell from 5.5 to 25.5 pounds in 5-pound intervals. It is so simple to alter that many customers awarded it a perfect score of 5 out of 5.

Because the dumbbells are also very simple to assemble and unpack (it took our testers 12 seconds from beginning to end), the FLYBIRD Dumbbell might have been our "excellent for beginners" option if it could shift in smaller increments. For novices trying to gradually raise their weights, jumping from 5.5 to 10.5 pounds for particular workouts may be difficult.

Still, overall, we believe this set of dumbbells is an excellent choice for more experienced users - who are already comfortable working with weights ranging from 5 to 25 pounds.

Ratings: 4.6 stars (from 3424 reviews)

Price: $89.79

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Source: Amazon
Source: Amazon
Source: Tom's Guide
Source: Tom's Guide

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