Fruits Basket
"Fruits Basket" is a captivating manga series written and illustrated by Natsuki Takaya. In modern-day Japan, the story follows an orphaned high school girl named Tohru Honda, who stumbles upon a family secret. She discovers that the members of the Sohma family are cursed by the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, turning into their respective animals when they are hugged by the opposite sex or when they feel weak or stressed.
As Tohru forms friendships with the Sohma family, she uncovers their deep-rooted emotional struggles and traumas. "Fruits Basket" delves into themes of loneliness, acceptance, and the transformative power of love and friendship. The manga beautifully explores the complexities of human relationships with its heartfelt storytelling and well-developed characters.
With a perfect blend of comedy, drama, and romance, "Fruits Basket" has gained immense popularity among readers worldwide. It's rich character development and thought-provoking narrative make it a must-read for manga enthusiasts craving an emotional journey filled with both light-hearted moments and profound revelations.
- Author: Takaya Natsuki
- Genres: Shoujo(G), Comedy, Drama, Romance, School Life, Supernatural
- Status: Finished
- Volumes: 12
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