Sasaki and Miyano
"Sasaki and Miyano" is a heartwarming and comedic manga series written and illustrated by Shō Harusono. Yoshikazu Sasaki, and Souhei Miyano, both dealing with their own personal struggles. Sasaki is a socially awkward otaku who loves boys' love manga, while Miyano is a popular and cheerful student who hides his true passion for the same genre.
The manga beautifully explores their growing friendship and their shared love for boys love manga. With clever humor and endearing moments, "Sasaki and Miyano" delve into the complexities of friendship, self-acceptance, and the exploration of one's personal interests. It subtly challenges societal norms and presents a heartwarming message of embracing one's true self. With its captivating story, relatable characters, and delightful artwork, Sasaki and Miyano is a must-read manga for fans of the slice-of-life and LGBTQ+ genres.
- Author: Harusono Shō
- Genres: Romance, School Life, Slice of Life, Yaoi
- Status: Ongoing
- Volumes: 9
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