"Maid Sama!" is a popular manga series written by Hiro Fujiwara. The fictional Seika High School, story follows the life of Misaki Ayuzawa, the strict and strong-willed student council president. However, in a twist, Misaki secretly works at a maid café to support her family.
The manga primarily explores Misaki's struggles to balance her personal and school life while keeping her secret job hidden from her classmates. Along the way, she crosses paths with Takumi Usui, the rich and enigmatic heartthrob of Seika High, who discovers her double life. As their paths intertwine, a unique romance blossoms between Misaki and Usui, leading to comedic and heartwarming moments throughout the series.
"Maid Sama!" delves into themes of friendship, love, and self-discovery, presenting an engaging storyline that blends humor, drama, and romance. With its relatable characters, dynamic relationships, and entertaining plot twists, this manga has captivated readers worldwide.
- Author: Hiro Fujiwara
- Genres: Shoujo(G), Comedy, Drama, Romance
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 85
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