Ouran High School Host Club
"Ouran High School Host Club" is a renowned manga series written and illustrated by Bisco Hatori. The prestigious Ouran Academy, the story revolves around Haruhi Fujioka, an intelligent and hardworking scholarship student who accidentally stumbles upon the school's host club. In an attempt to repay a vase she broke, Haruhi becomes a host herself, despite her masculine appearance. The club, consisting of eccentric and wealthy male students, embraces Haruhi's gender ambiguity, leading to comical situations and unexpected relationships.
The manga delves into themes of friendship, self-discovery, and the complexities of social class. It skillfully combines romance, humor, and slice-of-life elements to create an enjoyable and light-hearted reading experience. "Ouran High School Host Club" has gained widespread acclaim for its engaging characters, satirical take on social hierarchy, and insightful exploration of identity. Overall, this manga provides a delightful blend of comedy, romance, and social commentary, making it a must-read for fans of the genre.
- Author: Hatori
- Genres: Shoujo(G), Comedy, Drama, Harem, Romance, School Life
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 83
- Read here: https://mto.to/series/20217