Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario
Arturo Fuente is a well-known cigar maker who creates premium cigars for the wealthy to enjoy. Being such an old brand implies that the company has withstood the test of time, standing firm in the face of world wars, recessions, and economic failures. This justifies the Anniverxario cigar box's $163 per cigar price tag.
Arturo Fuente Cigars began producing these cigars in Tampa in 1912. Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario cigar has a Dominican sun-grown Habano-seed wrapper. The Dominican blend has a rich flavor. Experts roll the rich soul after carefully selecting it for its quality. The flavors are powerful and complex. It's best known for its milk chocolate, cedar, and holiday spice flavors. Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario is a powerful fountain that holds 100 years of history within its incredible folded leaves. Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario is among the most expensive cigars in the global at a price of $163 per cigar.
Price: $163/Cigar