Mayan Sicars
These cigars' half-million-dollar price tag is likely to rise over time. The Mayan Sicar has incredible historical significance, and they are important pieces of antiquity in addition to cigars. They were invented during the Mayan civilization and are the world's oldest cigars, dating back 600 years. Scientists discovered this 600-year-old hand-rolled cigar off the coast of Guatemala in 2012. It was sealed and buried beneath a Mayan cave. The history of this cigar is fascinating.
A total of 800 cigars were auctioned off for $507,000 to a New York aficionado. These cigars are thought to have originated in the Maya civilization. The Mayans were known to have an exquisite taste in tobacco and began manufacturing cigars in the 12th century.
This incredible cigar costs a whopping $507,000 per box. These ancient artifacts are only available to one person. Gary Liotta, the owner of the Santiago Cigar Factory and an avid collector of smoking memorabilia, paid $507,000 for the entire box of 12 cigars.
Price: $507,000/Box