Fuyou, a minor character in "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto," is the princess of a distant land who unwillingly becomes the Emperor's middle consort. With silky, wavy hair and captivating beauty, she rivals the high consorts. Despite little known about her personality, she is described as highly intelligent.
Gifted in the art of dance, her skills are compared to the Princess of Verdigris House, allowing her to climb the walls of the Inner Palace. Originally from a vassal country of Li, she was sent to the Inner Palace to please the Emperor.
Fuyou's loyalty to her childhood friend is evident in her actions, such as her moonlight dance, which Maomao suspects was a prayer for her friend's safe return. The name "Fuyou" holds the meaning of "cotton rose" or "lotus flower." Her story unfolds as a poignant portrayal of loyalty and sacrifice.
- Rōmaji: Fuyou
- Gender: Female
- Hair Color: Black
- Eye Color: Purple
- Occupation: Princess