Gaoshun, a secondary character in The Apothecary Diaries series, is known for his calm and capable demeanor as Jinshi's assistant and later as the Emperor's assistant. With short black hair and black eyes, his appearance belies the stress he endures daily.
Despite being a high-ranking official, Gaoshun possesses a fear of women due to his demanding wife. He is proficient in politics, adept at dealing with policies to ease his master's workload, and also skilled in combat, serving as both an assistant and a bodyguard to Jinshi.
Having played a significant role in Jinshi's upbringing, Gaoshun's life intertwined with his master's, as he originally served as the Emperor's assistant and later transferred back to the Emperor's side after Jinshi's change in status. Gaoshun's character is imbued with depth, reflecting the complexities of life within the inner and outer palace.
- Rōmaji: Gaoshun
- Gender: Male
- Age: 36 years old
- Hair Color: Black
- Eye Color: Black
- Occupation: Inner Court, Outer Court