Jinshi is the captivating deuteragonist of The Apothecary Diaries series. As a beautiful eunuch tasked with overseeing the inner palace, Jinshi frequently solicits Maomao's assistance in solving palace mysteries, offering rare medicines in return.
Initially finding Maomao's indifference refreshing, his affection toward her transforms into a one-sided romantic infatuation. His enchanting appearance, featuring silky hair, slender features, almond eyes, and a captivating celestial maiden-like visage, earns him widespread admiration. He often dons court official robes and exudes an angelic smile in public, but his private demeanor is more childlike.
Despite his feminine appearance, Maomao notes his surprisingly well-built physique and masculine hands. Jinshi's presence is so enthralling that it can make both women and men swoon, a testament to his mesmerizing allure.
- Rōmaji: Jinshi
- Gender: Male
- Age: 23
- Hair Color: Black (WN), Dark Purple (LN)
- Eye Color: Black (WN), Pink (LN)
- Height: 181 cm
- Occupation: Overseer of the Inner Court, Outer Court Official