Lady Loulan, also known as Rouran, is a significant character in the "Kusuriya no Hitorigoto" series. She served as the former Pure Consort of the Garnet Palace, succeeding Ah-Duo, after being compelled into the position by her father, Prime Minister Shishou, in a bid to gain influence over the Inner Court.
Loulan exhibits a multifaceted personality, appearing aloof and uncaring as a consort due to her overbearing mother, yet concealing her true free-willed and devoted nature, particularly in her care for her family and the Shi clan children.
Apart from her political influence, she possesses an in-depth knowledge and love for insects, using this expertise to predict locust swarms. Despite her high-ranking position, she would often retreat from political matters, choosing to embrace her true nature by disguised as a palace maid, Shisui, to indulge in her love for insects and engaging in lighthearted chats with others.
- Rōmaji: Rouran
- Gender: Female
- Age: 17 years old
- Hair Color: Black
- Eye Color: Yellow
- Occupation: High Consort