George Carlin
George Denis Patrick Carlin is an American comedian, writer, actor, and social critic. Carlin is best known for his black comedy and political reflection. Regarded as one of the most important and influential comic books of all time, he has been dubbed "the dean of counterculture comedians". He was known for his reflections on dark comedy and politics, english, psychology, religion and taboo subjects.
George Carlin and his "Seven Dirty Horses" comedy was the F.C.C. was at the center of the trial. U.S. Supreme Court in 1978. V. Pacifica Foundation. The first of Carlene's 14 HBO special comedy shows was filmed in 1977. From the late 1980s, his daily life focused on sociocultural criticism of American society. How many people would have thought that George Carlin would make it to this list as the funniest stand-up comedian of all time?
- Born: May 12, 1937
- Died: June 22, 2008 (aged 71)
- Nationality: American