Have beneficial antioxidant

Additionally, white mushrooms contain a variety of advantageous antioxidants. According to MedlinePlus, substances having antioxidant properties combat oxidation, which reduces or delays cell damage. An article from Penn State University claims that glutathione and the antioxidant ergothioneine are both present in white mushrooms. The paper claims that while white mushrooms don't contain as much as other varieties of mushrooms, they do contain more than most meals.

According to the Penn State analysis, mushrooms are the main dietary source of these two antioxidants. The study's findings were reported in the journal Food Chemistry's October 2017 edition. According to the Penn State study, cooking mushrooms doesn't greatly change how nutritious they are.

According to Penn State research, this antioxidant impact suggests that it aids in the body's antioxidant resupply. This is significant because the body's usage of food as fuel results in the production of free radicals, which leads to oxidative stress. According to the findings, eating foods rich in antioxidants may aid in protecting the body from this stress.

Have beneficial antioxidant
Have beneficial antioxidant
Have beneficial antioxidant
Have beneficial antioxidant

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