Stimulate a healthier gut and protect brain health

Your gut microbiome is home to organisms and bacteria that have a significant impact on your health and happiness. Prebiotics, like those found in mushrooms, may be used to encourage the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut, which is one approach to maintaining its health. According to research, the most prevalent carbohydrate in mushrooms, polysaccharides, promote the growth of good bacteria. While many meals are broken down by stomach acid, white mushroom polysaccharides travel past the stomach undamaged and can enter the colon where they can promote the development of bacteria.

The effects of consuming white mushrooms on moderate cognitive impairment are still being researched (MCI). Memory and language problems are brought on by MCI, which is frequently an early stage of Alzheimer's disease. In Singaporean research, those who consumed more than two cups of white mushrooms each week had a 50% decreased risk of MCI. Even those who ate just one cup benefited in some way.

Stimulate a healthier gut and protect brain health
Stimulate a healthier gut and protect brain health
Stimulate a healthier gut and protect brain health
Stimulate a healthier gut and protect brain health

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