Have cancer-fighting properties

It is thought that a number of antioxidant substances, including polyphenols, polysaccharides, ergothioneine, glutathione, selenium, and vitamin C, are responsible for the possible anti-cancer effects of mushrooms. These anti-oxidants aid in the fight against the damaging effects of oxidative stress, which causes cellular damage and raises the risk of heart disease and several malignancies while also hastening age. Flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have the capacity to function both as pro- and anti-oxidants, are the primary phenolic chemicals found in white mushrooms. As pro-oxidants, they cause cell death to stop the formation of tumors, but as antioxidants, they aid in improving cell survival.

Additionally, polysaccharides, one of the primary bioactive components in white mushrooms, may also have strong anticancer properties. Beta-glucan is one specific kind of polysaccharide. It activates macrophages and natural killer cells in your immune system, which defend the body against infection, noxious organisms, and illnesses like cancer.

Have cancer-fighting properties
Have cancer-fighting properties
Have cancer-fighting properties
Have cancer-fighting properties

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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