"Hercules," loosely based on the legendary Greek hero Hercules, takes a lighthearted and comedic approach to the mythological tale. It begins with Hercules (voiced by Tate Donovan), a young and awkward demigod with incredible strength but without the ability to control it. Zeus (voiced by Rip Torn) and Hera (voiced by Samantha Eggar), his parents and the ruling gods of Mount Olympus, decide to make Hercules mortal in order to protect him from Hades (voiced by James Woods), the god of the underworld who seeks to overthrow Zeus and rule Olympus.
Hercules grows up on Earth under the care of mortal parents, Amphitryon and Alcmene. As he reaches adulthood, Hercules feels out of place and longs to discover his true identity and purpose. With the guidance of Philoctetes (voiced by Danny DeVito), a satyr and trainer of heroes, Hercules sets out on a quest to become a true hero and regain his godhood.
"Hercules" stands out for its vibrant animation, catchy musical numbers, and humorous yet expert blend of comedy, adventure, and romance that manifest an entertaining and family-friendly experience. From here, the movie delivers a positive and uplifting message about finding one's true identity, embracing one's strengths, and the power of love and self-belief.
Release: 1997
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 82%