Directed by Stanley Kubrick, "Spartacus" is an epic Greek mythology drama about Spartacus, a Thracian slave who is sold to a gladiator training school. Spartacus's fighting abilities and rebellious spirit inspire his fellow slaves to rise against their oppressors. They seize control of the gladiator school, escape, and form an army of rebels, determined to fight for their freedom.
"Spartacus" receives numerous compliments for its grand scale, impressive battle sequences, and powerful performances. It showcases the indomitable spirit of a man who defied an empire and inspired others to challenge the status quo, and stands as a testament to the enduring power of hope, resilience, and the fight for freedom in the face of overwhelming odds.
As such, "Spartacus" totally deserves a spot on our list of the best Greek Mythology movies, remaining an all-time classic for all generations.
Release: 1960
Stars: Kirk Douglas, Laurence Olivier, Jean Simmons
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 94%