High in fiber

Buckwheat has a high fiber content that your body cannot assimilate. This vitamin is beneficial to colon health. Fiber accounts for 2.7% of boiling groats by weight and is mostly made of cellulose and lignin. The husk, which covers the groat, contains a high concentration of fiber. The husk is preserved in black buckwheat flour, which imparts a distinct taste.

Furthermore, the husk includes resistant starch, which is difficult to digest and hence classified as fiber. Gut microorganisms in your colon ferment-resistant starch. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate are produced by these helpful bacteria. Butyrate and other SCFAs nourish the cells that line your colon, enhancing gut health and lowering your risk of colon cancer.

High in fiber
High in fiber
High in fiber
High in fiber

Toplist Joint Stock Company
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