Horimiya is a romantic comedy manga series by HERO and Daisuke Hagiwara that presents the lives of two high school students, Hori and Miyamura, who have separate personalities at school and at home. With stunning animation, delightful voice acting, and comforting music, the film brilliantly captures the soul of the manga.
The story follows Hori and Miyamura's friendship as they learn about one other's secrets and grow closer. Along the way, they make friends with other oddballs including Ishikawa, Yuki, Sakura, and Sengoku. The picture strikes a good mix between comedy and drama, depicting the ups and downs of adolescent life and love. Furthermore, the film delves into subjects such as identity, self-esteem, family, friendship, and acceptance.
Horimiya is one of the best free animes on Crunchyroll. The film keeps to the original plot while also including some new scenes that strengthen the story. Therefore, The film is also suited for a broad audience because it contains no explicit or improper content. It was a delightful and refreshing experience that made audiences laugh, cry, and smile. Horimiya is a gem of an anime film that deserves more recognition and appreciation.
Directed by: Hirotsugu Kawasaki
Released: January to March 2021.
Genre: animation, comedy, and drama.
Link to watch: https://www.crunchyroll.com/series/G9VHN9P43/horimiya