Laid Back Camp
The anime film Laid Back Camp is based on the popular manga and anime series of the same name. It chronicles the adventure of a group of high school ladies who like camping in picturesque areas in Japan. The film is a slice-of-life comedy that celebrates nature's beauty, the joy of companionship, and the comfort of camping.
The anime is broken into four segments, each of which focuses on a different camping trip and a different couple or trio of individuals. It also keeps the original manga along with the anime's charm, comedy, and warmth. With beautiful animation, particularly the backdrops depicting Japan's lovely landscapes. Along with the pleasant and relaxing music that fits the film's theme.
Laid Back Camp is both fun and educational, teaching viewers about many elements of camping such as equipment, safety, etiquette, and recommendations. The anime offers historical and cultural data about the locations visited by the protagonists, such as monuments, stories, and local delicacies. As a result, this is an excellent product for anyone who enjoys camping, outdoors, or simply wants to unwind and have fun.
Directed by: Yoshiaki Kyōgoku, Shin Tosaka
Released: January 4, 2018,
Genre: Adventure and Iyashikei
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