Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga is based on the manga series by Makoto Yukimura, which is inspired by the real-life saga of the Norse explorers who discovered America. The firm tells the story of Thorfinn, a young Viking who seeks revenge for his father's death. Thorfinn's journey across Europe, where he encounters various historical figures and events, such as King Canute, the Battle of London Bridge, and the discovery of Vinland.
The film is an animated classic, with breathtaking graphics and realistic battle scenes. The plot is riveting and poignant, with themes of battle, honor, family, and redemption running throughout. The film also explores the contrast between the violent and brutal world of the Vikings and the peaceful and beautiful land of Vinland.
The film is not an anime with adorable or hilarious characters. It depicts the Viking Age in a serious and realistic manner. As a result, I would highly recommend Vinland Saga to anyone who loves historical fiction, action, drama, or just basically good storytelling.
Directed by: Shūhei Yabuta
Released: July 7, 2019 - December 29, 2019
Genre: Historical, Action, Drama, Adventure
Link to watch: