The Misfit of Demon King Academy
The Misfit of Demon King Academy is an anime film based on Shu's same-named light novel series. It relates the narrative of Anos Voldigoad, the reincarnated Demon King who has grown tired of the tranquil society he built 2000 years ago. He enrolls in a prominent demon academy, where he is subjected to persecution and difficulties from fellow students and teachers who do not understand his true identity and ability.
The anime captures the core of the novel's humor, action, and drama, as well as the personalities and relationships of the characters. The characters are lovable and grow throughout the film. Anos, in particular, is a highly powerful protagonist, yet he is also engaging and hilarious. He frequently challenges the current quo and displays compassion to both friends and foes.
Overall, The Misfit of Demon King Academy is an enjoyable anime film for aficionados of the literature and the genre. Along with an original premise, a lovable protagonist, a diverse cast of supporting characters, and an engrossing plot. The anime also sets up the stage for the next arc of the story, which will explore more of the world's history and mysteries.
Directed by: Yoshinori Shizuma
Released: on July 4, 2020
Genre: adventure, fantasy, and romance.
Link to watch: