Improved Autocorrect and Predictive Text

Autocorrect and predictive text have long been infamous for their propensity to yield unexpected and unintended outcomes. However, in macOS Sonoma, these indispensable features have undergone substantial improvements, significantly enhancing the overall user experience. Sonoma's refined autocorrect and predictive text functionalities provide users with greater accuracy and convenience, surpassing their predecessors in terms of performance and reliability.

One notable improvement in Sonoma is the introduction of a visual cue that briefly underlines corrected words. This visual indicator serves as a valuable cue, allowing users to quickly identify and review the changes made by the autocorrect feature. With this enhanced visibility, users have the opportunity to promptly spot any undesired corrections and easily roll them back, ensuring accurate and error-free text.

In addition, Sonoma seamlessly integrates predictive text suggestions into the typing workflow. These suggestions appear right in line with the text being entered, presented in a lighter shade of gray for easy differentiation. When the predictive text feature accurately anticipates the intended word, users can simply press the spacebar to autocomplete the word, saving valuable time and streamlining the typing process.

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