King of Martial Arts
Legend of Xianwu is a Chinese anime series follows Ye Chen, was betrayed by his sect. As a loyal disciple, he dedicated himself to guarding the spiritual medicine field for his sect. However, during a fight with enemies, the spiritual field was destroyed. The loyalty he thought he had obtained from his peers and lover could not save him from betrayal. With the help of a flame falling from heaven, Ye Chen began to develop himself into a stronger cultivator. He battled against his opponents, unfolded his legendary life, and rewrote his own story.
The show features martial arts action and supernatural elements. It has an interesting premise and an engaging plot that will keep you hooked till the end. The show’s animation quality is top-notch, and the characters are well-designed. The voice acting is also excellent and adds depth to the characters.
Overall, Legend of Xianwu is an entertaining anime that is worth watching if you’re a fan of martial arts action and fantasy. The show has received positive reviews from audiences and critics alike and has been praised for its engaging plot, animation quality, and character development.
- Release date: March 19, 2023
- Developed by: Youku and Dongyao Dongman
- Number of episodes: 26
- Watch here: