Thousand Autumns
Thousand Autumns is a Chinese animated series, also known as Shanhe Jian Xin. The series is produced by Tencent Penguin Pictures and Motion Magic and consists of 16 episodes, each with a duration of 25 minutes.
The story is set in a world of martial arts and revolves around the protagonist, Shen Qiao, who falls off a cliff and nearly dies from his injuries after being defeated by the leader of the Beimu clan. The ruthless Cleansing Moon sect leader Yan Wushi chances upon him and comes up with a sinister plan: turn the benevolent disciple into a vengeful cultivator who could one day become a worthy rival.
Shen Qiao is thrown headfirst into a world of betrayal and deception, contrasting with his once-strong beliefs that good could exist in everyone. As he encounters further hardships that push him to his wits’ end, Shen Qiao is faced with the decision of continuing to uphold his kind nature - despite the cruel reality he has been shown - or giving in to the deceitful scheme of the spiteful Yan Wushi.
- Release date: February 8, 2021
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures and Motion Magic
- Number of episodes: 16
- Watch here: