Martial Master
Martial Master is a Chinese anime series, also known as Wu Shen Zhu Zai. The series has 384 episodes in total. The story follows the journey of Qin Chen, who was originally the top genius in the military domain. He was conspired by the people to fall into the death canyon in the forbidden land of the mainland. Qin Chen, who was inevitably dead, unexpectedly triggered the power of the mysterious ancient sword. Three hundred years later, in a remote part of the Tianwu mainland, a boy of the same name accidentally inherited Qin Chen’s will.
As the beloved grandson of King Dingwu of the Daqi National Army, due to his birth father’s birth, his mother and he were treated coldly in Dingwu’s palace and lived together. In order to rewrite the myth of the strong man in hope of the sun, and to protect everything he loves, Qin Chen resolutely took up the responsibility of maintaining the five kingdoms of the world and set foot on the road of martial arts again.
- Release date: March 8, 2020
- Developed by: Tencent Penguin Pictures, Quyue Technology, and Manhoo Culture
- Number of episodes: 384
- Watch here: