Hugh Jackman plays the titular character in Logan, a 2017 American superhero film. Following X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009) and The Wolverine (2012), it is the tenth and final episode in the X-Men film series (2013). In an alternate future, an old Wolverine and an ill Charles Xavier protect a young mutant called Laura against the wicked Reavers led by Donald Pierce and Zander Rice in the film, which is based on the "Old Man Logan" comics story by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven.
The film received positive reviews, with particular praise for Jackman's and Stewart's last portrayals as Wolverine and Professor X. It was the best-received film in the X-Men franchise, with many critics praising it as one of the greatest superhero films ever created, and it was named one of the top 10 films of 2017 by the National Board of Review. It was the first live-action superhero film to be nominated for screenplay at the 90th Academy Awards, for Best Adapted Screenplay. It was the third-highest-earning R-rated film at the time of its release, grossing $619.2 million worldwide.
Detailed Information:
Running time: 137 minutes
Actors: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Dafne Keen, Richard E. Grant, Doris Morgado
Released: 2017
Directed by: James Mangold