Love, Death + Robots (2019 —)
Love, Death & Robots is an adult animated anthology streaming television series. The animated series is made up of stand-alone episodes that are all under 22 minutes long and created by various actors and crews, but certain episodes could share some crew members.
This series covers several genres, particularly comedy, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. The series is a reimagining of Fincher and Miller's long-in-development reboot of the 1981 animated science fiction film Heavy Metal. The first season includes appearances by robots in a post-apocalyptic city, farmers in mech suits, and a space mission went wrong. The series has won praise from critics, who have praised the animation style, creativity, diverse storylines, and theme in each episode. The show has received several Primetime Creative Arts Emmy Award nominations.
Detailed Information:
Genre: Anthology, Science fantasy, Adult animation, Horror, Black Comedy
Developed: Tim Miller
No. of seasons: 3
No. of episodes: 35