Low fat yogurt
Yoghurt has a lot of nutritional value. But not all yoghurt is made equally. Low-fat yoghurts frequently include added sugar to improve their flavour, just like many other low-fat products.
For instance, a single cup (245 grammes) of low-fat yoghurt may have about 45 g, or nearly 11 teaspoons, of sugar. In just one cup, this exceeds the daily limit for both men and women. Most nutritionists agree that the amount you add on your own to plain yoghurt, even if you add a sweetener like honey or maple syrup, will be far lower than the amount that manufacturers add to flavoured yoghurts. Furthermore, it doesn't appear that low-fat yoghurt has the same health advantages as full-fat yoghurt. Choose yoghurts with the least amount of added sugar when making your selection. Additionally, picking one without fruit and replacing it with your own allows you to manage the sugar amount and boost the nutritious value.