May improve liver health
According to studies, cloves' healthy components may support liver function. Eugenol, a chemical, may be particularly advantageous for the liver. In one experiment, rats with fatty liver disease were given mixes that either included clove oil or eugenol. Both mixes lowered oxidative stress, reduced inflammation, and enhanced liver function. Another experiment on animals revealed that the compound eugenol in cloves could help alleviate the symptoms of liver cirrhosis or liver scarring.
Sadly, there is little information on how cloves and eugenol affect human liver health. One tiny study, however, discovered that taking eugenol supplements for a week reduced levels of glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), a family of detoxifying enzymes that is frequently a sign of liver disease. Due to their capacity to reduce oxidative stress, cloves' high antioxidant content may also help prevent liver damage. Eugenol is poisonous in large doses, despite this. A case study on a 2-year-old boy revealed that 5–10 mL of clove oil seriously damaged the liver.