May relieve constipation and support sleep
Constipation is characterized by passing stool less often than normal and sensations of incomplete evacuation. Because dehydration is a major secondary cause of constipation, dietary adjustments such as increasing fiber and fluid consumption are critical to therapy. When compared to fruit liquids, the fiber in whole fruits like grapes may considerably alleviate constipation symptoms by decreasing the time it takes stool to transit through your colon and boosting fecal weight and daily bowel movements. Grapes are also 81 percent water, so they may help you meet your hydration goals.
There is evidence that there is a direct relationship between nutrition and sleep. According to research, grapes are a natural source of melatonin, a sleep-promoting hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle. Interestingly, melatonin is mostly contained in grape skin, which is why it is also found in grape juice and wine. Because melatonin acts in tandem with your internal clock, timing your intake is critical. If you eat grapes to help you sleep, try to do it early in the evening.