Pack with nutrients
One cup of grapes has around a quarter of your daily vitamin C needs, nearly 20% of your daily vitamin K needs, and at least 10% of your daily copper needs. Vitamin C is required for DNA repair, as well as the formation of collagen and serotonin, in addition to maintaining immunity. (The latter promotes contentment and sleep.) Vitamin C also improves iron absorption from plant meals; a greater blood level of vitamin C is linked to improved fat burning, both during exercise and during rest. Vitamin K is necessary for bone production, and a deficiency has been related to an increased risk of fracture.
Copper aids in the creation of energy as well as the development of collagen and red blood cells. Grapes also contain trace levels of numerous important elements, such as B vitamins, potassium, and manganese. Grapes contain many important vitamins and minerals, including copper and vitamins B and K.